The banner photo

The background photo was taken by Larry E. Meredith in Phoenix, Arizona 1982


The artist uses the talent he has, wishing he had more talent. The talent uses the artist it has, wishing it had more artist. ~Robert Brault

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Friday, September 25, 2009

Is that a Lamp Shade on Your Head?

 © 2008

Thought I should give my oldest daughter equal time. She had just brought Reno back from the doctors. he has a protection shield around his neck to keep him from biting his incision. Little Man is looking and wondering if Reno thinks he's the life of the party.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

My Daughter's Foster Child, Sterling the Kitten

 © 2008

Yes, my middle child is fostering this new kitten named Sterling. She has to feed him every two hours (note the little baby bottle in her right hand.)