This is absolutely terrific! You should certainly make this a Christmas card if you haven't already.
I've done a lot of art promotions (the pix of me in my profile is when I did one of Doug McClure's show for him).
I've taught art; judged art - between art and music, I can say a good part of my life has been 'appreciating' not only what I can do, but what others can do.
I think this has not only humor, but the detail that sets it off; grabs the child in all of us.
hahahahahhaa! Took me a while to understand and then I went rolling in laughter! :P here I am ~
This is absolutely terrific! You should certainly make this a Christmas card if you haven't already.
I've done a lot of art promotions (the pix of me in my profile is when I did one of Doug McClure's show for him).
I've taught art; judged art - between art and music, I can say a good part of my life has been 'appreciating' not only what I can do, but what others can do.
I think this has not only humor, but the detail that sets it off; grabs the child in all of us.
I give it an A+!!!
cartoon is always cool to look at.
cartoon is always cool to look at.
hahahahahhaa! Took me a while to understand and then I went rolling in laughter! :P
here I am ~
Very funny!
That's a good one!
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